On July 24, 2024, the Party Cell of Southern Textile and Garment Corporation Limited - Vinatex (abbreviated as VSC) organized a Cell meeting. Before starting the main content of the event, Comrade Nguyen Hung Quy - Secretary of the Party Cell - General Director of VSC - invited all Party members in the Party cell to observe a minute of silence to remember their comrades. General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.


       A big heart has stopped beating with 80 years of life, 57 years of Party life, 14 years as General Secretary, more than 2 years as President, more than 5 years as Chairman of the National Assembly. Comrade General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is a shining and exemplary example of the revolutionary ethics of communist soldiers, a sharp and intellectual politician, and an excellent theorist of the Party, with a lifetime of dedication. for the ideal of national independence and socialism for the happiness of the people. He passed away, but the values ​​he left behind still live forever in the revolutionary cause and in the hearts of every Vietnamese person as well as international friends.

     During his lifetime, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong had many impressive statements and words, simple and profound, close, full of philosophy, with the power to move and inspire every party member and every citizen. , strengthening people's trust in the Party and State. In it, the saying that left a deep impression on all Party members of the Party Cell was: "Life only lives once, we must live it so as not to be sad or regretful for the vile, cowardly and shameless deeds we have done." wholesale; What's the use of having so much money? You can't take it with you when you die. Honor is the most sacred and noble thing," the General Secretary advised at the National Conference of internal affairs agencies implementing the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress on September 15, 2021.

     In addition, at the Party Cell meeting, Comrade Secretary of the Party Cell - Mr. Nguyen Hung Quy deployed Official Dispatch No. 1735 of the Party Committee of the Vietnam Textile and Garment Group on the use of the Party flag of the Communist Party of Vietnam when organizing National Funeral, requires party members and party groups to seriously comply during the 2-day National Funeral (July 25-26, 2024) as follows:
1. Direct and enforce that where the 
Communist Party flag is hung at half-mast, do so during the National Funeral.

2. Focus on information and propaganda to officials and workers about the background, career, and great contributions of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to our Party, State and people, especially for the working class.

3. Businesses and units that temporarily stop showing advertisements on LED screens can switch to showing a movie about General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong; Do not organize fun and entertainment activities; proactively grasp, fight and refute false and distorted information and opinions that cause internal disunity and reduce people's trust in the Party, State and regime.



- VSC -