The Covid-19 pandemic is like a tornado, sweeping through most countries in the world and leaving extremely serious economic, social and political consequences. It can be seen that the epidemic has caused significant disturbances in society, upsetting the lives of many people. But if viewed from a more positive perspective, during this Covid-19 pandemic, many life values ​​have changed people. This is also a time when many people need to recognize and change to slow down and feel more clearly about the values ​​of life.

Firstly, the Covid-19 epidemic spread to us love and national unity more than ever.

     From donations and support from compatriots from all over the country sent to Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh, sent to the South, where our biological children are struggling to fight because of the increasingly stressful epidemic. From the images of volunteers, hard-working medics, sweaty people with faces and limbs covered in red marks from wearing protective clothing for hours. Or most recently, the image of soldiers and soldiers of the North - South Korea standing side by side to support people's activities, standing at the checkpoints during a long time of separation, etc. Never before have we had opportunity to feel deeply all the "kind" and "good" things from the warmth between people than now.


Image: Doctors and nurses unite to fight the epidemic



Image: The army participates in the fight against the epidemic at checkpoints


Second, it helps us to realize that family is forever a valuable asset.

     Like it or not, we still have to acknowledge the fact that the Covid-19 epidemic has caused significant disturbances in social life, upsetting the lives of many people and families. The prevention, control, and suppression of the Covid-19 epidemic is the common responsibility of everyone and the whole society. But from another perspective, the epidemic is also an opportunity for many people to return to family values, warm the sacred family feelings, and have close time with parents, children,... which is simple, but in a busy day, not everyone can do it.


Image: Family is our greatest asset


Third, “it” reminds us that health is important.

     Covid-19 makes us realize: how precious our health is and how we have lived to the point of neglecting it by eating and drinking unhealthy foods, with life-changing habits. aimless, aimless. Now, when the pace of life begins to slow down, look back and love your health. If we don't take good care of "it", of course we will get sick.



Fourth, this Covid-19 pandemic gives us a profound realization that all are equal.

     Regardless of whether we are rich or poor, what kind of work we do, what kind of religion we worship or whether we are famous or not, we are all at the same risk of getting sick. "It" will not ignore you because you have more beauty, more status, or more money. So always remember that this virus that spreads without a "passport" can at any time "visit" you or "rob" you and your family.



Fifth, that the Covid-19 epidemic reminds us of the brevity of life.

     This terrible virus appeared and brought us endless pain when in turn robbed the loved ones around us. We don't even know when they will come and take us away. However, after this pandemic, I am sure that you will change your current way of life. You love and appreciate this short life by sharing, helping and supporting each other. You live each day more meaningfully because you know what the true value of life is after all these losses.


Image: Live a meaningful life


Sixth, that this Covid-19 epidemic makes the environment "cleaner"?

     A positive view from the Covid-19 pandemic, social distancing makes production and trade activities stop and this is the time for the environment to have a chance to recover (the amount of CO2, carbon dioxide , methane, and carbon monoxide emissions drop dramatically, the ozone layer is healing itself as the hole reaches its lowest point in decades). Facing these positive environmental signals, Covid-19 not only helps us to be aware but also urges us to act, together to build a green, clean, beautiful and safe environment in the future.


Image: CO2 emissions drop sharply when production activities are halted


Seventh, that the Covid-19 epidemic has been promoting the development of 4.0 technology

     The time gap is too long, most jobs have changed from face-to-face to online work at home, online learning, online shopping, etc., promoting the explosion of technology. Along with that is the digital transformation model, since the Covid-19 epidemic occurred, many businesses have approached this model in order to improve the production situation in difficult times.


Image: Applying digital technology to production


Eighth, the Covid -19 pandemic brings countries closer together

     Because of the nature of the disease spreading around the world, so firmly believe that "no country is safe until all countries are safe". That is why the "Global Access to Covid-19 Vaccine" mechanism was born, helping poor countries also have access to vaccines.


Photo: Japanese Ambassador conveys a message from Japanese Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide
to Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh about the Japanese Government's decision to support Vietnam
with 1 million doses of vaccine to prevent disease COVID - 19 - Photo: VGP


     It is inevitable that the Covid -19 pandemic broke out and seriously affected the economy, politics, society and people around the globe. However, if you look at it from many different angles, you will certainly feel many positive changes from this pandemic.

     Authorities say epidemics "come and go, don't stay forever" but the virus can survive and mutate into many different variants. So in the long run, the corona virus will be more contagious but less dangerous, and eventually become as common as the common seasonal flu. So, in theory, concepts like "stay in place" will no longer be necessary and the "new normal" will be something we need to accept and adapt to.

     Therefore, right now we need to make the right judgments and be ready to return to a new lifestyle, including measures such as: wearing a mask, practicing a safe distance, measuring body temperature, washing hands and disinfecting homes, workplaces, etc. These measures must become regular habits of each individual in the community.



     The stagnation of the economy because businesses and factories have had to close production for too long has significantly affected the ability of businesses to "survive" and "revive" in the coming time. It also means that thousands of workers are at risk of losing their jobs, their incomes and their secure lives face many difficulties. Therefore, we need to define the idea of ​​"living and producing together with the epidemic" safely and effectively. It will be the forced choice to adapt, we adapt early, our lives will settle down soon.

     However, besides some businesses, workers are excited and excited to go back to work after a long period of social distancing, even some workers are willing to pioneer to apply for jobs. in place” during a period of stressful distancing. Then somewhere, there are still many controversial opinions about "Death of hunger or death of epidemic". Some people think that "it is better to die of hunger than to die of an epidemic" for various reasons such as going to work to get sick, staying home to "eat whatever you want" or to receive basic food support from the local , strong sponsors will also hold out for a while. Those who chose "It is better to die of the epidemic than to starve" think that the epidemic will never end, choosing to stay at home is only a short-term solution, causing many problems such as lack of money. , lack of essential necessities and not to mention the cases at home are still at risk of spreading the disease.

     In fact, we need to get the right view of the epidemic and the current trend of the world. It is almost impossible to completely suppress the epidemic, but we can completely prevent the disease if we strictly follow the epidemic prevention measures. The trend of living with the epidemic will be the new trend, instead of avoiding, we choose to face it. We can prevent epidemics through medical measures, but facing poverty is almost powerless.

     We may be hungry, we may tighten our belts, but a small child cannot be without milk, an old mother cannot be without medicine. So, instead of being passive, why not take the initiative to save yourself while some businesses have been taking measures to minimize the spread of the Virus, fully preparing equipment, medical economic, preventive vaccination, deployment and application of natural and safe production models, or temporary support policies, etc. to ensure production maintenance while keeping safe and ensuring life living for workers. So, why don't we face it bravely?

     The question is asked "it is better to die of hunger than to die of the epidemic" or "it is better to die of the epidemic than to die of hunger." Of course, no one of us needs to choose "die of hunger" or "die of disease", at all. we choose "win". Victory in thinking, victory in action, victory to bring happiness to oneself, family and society. The long-term plan is to define "living with the epidemic", that is, to return to normal production activities to ensure life and income, but at the same time to ensure the implementation of preventive measures. safe anti-epidemic. However, considering the current situation, isn't the "better to starve than die of the epidemic" mindset an "outdated" and "cowardly" way of thinking?-

"Outdated" is because of stubbornness, not ready to adapt to the "new normal" lifestyle. It is because it has not been updated in time that all countries in the world have been choosing to "live with the flood" although the number of current infections is still increasing every day from a few tens to several hundred thousand cases.

- "Cowardly" is because we are not brave enough to face difficulties and challenges. If we consider this epidemic as a war, then instead of waiting to "die", why don't we have the courage to step in and join the fight with everyone for our lives and our families?

     In the current period, the most necessary thing for us to adapt and return to a normal life is to "upgrade ourselves" as well as "upgrade our thinking". We have to learn to have faith in ourselves, for the unit where we are working and working.


Image: Believe in yourself you can do it all


     In addition, the return to the "new normal" rhythm of life is also reflected in online meetings, remote working, online learning, buying and selling and paying by electronic transactions, etc. It seems that the application of image changes. Online working from home during Covid has liberated people from paper-based methods, and the ability to work from anywhere has freed people from space constraints. Therefore, in the future, remote working and learning will be one of the important trends and solutions.



     Next, the labor source after the Covid-19 pandemic will certainly fluctuate depending on the level of recovery of the industries. For example, replacing some industries in service and tourism, some other professions related to information technology, working online, or professions related to medicine, health, etc. will develop. and more popular.


Image: Choosing industries according to market trends?


     And one thing is for sure, after going through this global crisis, we will need some time to put things in order. However, from within each person, more or less, many themselves will be aware of a more positive change in life and innovation of thinking. Take advantage of the power of this slow life, to accelerate and improve yourself in the future.

Hope everyone is safe and healthy through the pandemic!


- VSC -